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AbstractCommand - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An abstract implementation of the Command interface that stores all lines output to the process' standard out and standard error in response to the command.
AbstractCommand(String) - Constructor for class AbstractCommand
Constructs an instance holding the specified instruction.
AbstractProcessExecutor - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An abstract implementation of the ProcessExecutor interface for starting, managing, and interacting with a process.
AbstractProcessExecutor(ProcessManager, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class AbstractProcessExecutor
Constructs an executor for the specified process using threadPool to provide the threads required for listening to the standard streams of the process and ensuring that the process is terminated once it times out if the ProcessManager.getKeepAliveTime() method of manager returns a non-empty optional.
AbstractProcessExecutor.ProcessException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An exception thrown if an unexpected error occurs while running or interacting with a process.
AbstractProcessExecutor.ThrowingRunnable - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A functional interface for a runnable that may throw checked exceptions and errors.
AbstractProcessManager - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An abstract implementation of the ProcessManager interface that allows for the definition of the process builder instance to use to launch the processes, the duration of continuous idleness after which processes are to be terminated, and the character set to use when exchanging messages with the processes through their standard streams.
AbstractProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, Long) - Constructor for class AbstractProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder with the specified maximum life span.
AbstractSubmission<T> - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An abstract implementation of the Submission interface that allows for storing the result of the execution of the submission.
AbstractSubmission() - Constructor for class AbstractSubmission
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
It blocks until the ProcessExecutorService.isTerminated() method returns true or a timeout occurs.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor


CHARSET - Static variable in class JavaObjectCodec
The character set used for encoding and decoding.
clear() - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Clears the saved output lines.
CLIENT - JavaProcessConfig.JVMType
close() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
Command - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface that defines methods for providing an instruction string and for processing the outputs of the process in response to the instruction.
createProcessBuilder() - Method in class JavaProcessManagerFactory
Creates a ProcessBuilder instance for launching Java processes using the provided Java process configuration.


decode(String) - Method in class JavaObjectCodec
Decodes the string and deserializes it into an object.
DEFAULT_JAVA_LAUNCHER_COMMAND - Static variable in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
The program used to launch new Java processes by default.
DisruptedExecutionException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An exception thrown when the execution of a submission is disrupted by an error unrelated to the submission itself.
DisruptedExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception DisruptedExecutionException
Creates a DisruptedExecutionException with the provided error message.
DisruptedExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception DisruptedExecutionException
Wraps the provided exception in a DisruptedExecutionException.


encode(Object) - Method in class JavaObjectCodec
Serializes the specified object into a string and encodes it using Base64.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
execute(Submission<?>) - Method in interface ProcessExecutor
It has the process sequentially execute the commands contained in the submission and blocks until the execution of every command is complete.
execute(Submission<?>) - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
execute(Submission<?>) - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
executeLock - Variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor
exit() - Static method in class JavaProcess
Invoking this method from within a task results in the main method exiting upon the iteration following the execution of the task.


FailedCommandException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An exception thrown when a command executed by a process fails.
FailedCommandException(String) - Constructor for exception FailedCommandException
Creates a FailedCommandException with the provided error message.
FailedCommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception FailedCommandException
Wraps the provided exception in a FailedCommandException.
FailedStartupException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An exception thrown when the startup of a process fails.
FailedStartupException(String) - Constructor for exception FailedStartupException
Creates a FailedStartupException with the provided error message.
FailedStartupException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception FailedStartupException
Wraps the provided exception in a FailedStartupException.
forceShutdown() - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Initiates the shutdown of the process pool discarding all submissions waiting for execution.
forceShutdown() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor


generatesOutput() - Method in interface Command
A method called before the issuing of the instruction.
generatesOutput() - Method in class SimpleCommand
getAdditionalChildThreads() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
Returns a map of additional child threads to run where the keys are the names of the child threads and the values are the runnable tasks.
getAdditionalChildThreads() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
getClassPath() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Returns a set of paths to load class files from in the Java process, delimited by the system's path separator.
getClassPath() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
getCommandOutputStore() - Method in class AbstractCommand
Returns the process output store containing the process' output in response to the command.
getCommands() - Method in interface Submission
Returns the commands to execute.
getCommands() - Method in class JavaSubmission
getCommands() - Method in class SimpleSubmission
getEncoding() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Returns the character set to use to communicate with the managed process through its standard streams.
getEncoding() - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
getError() - Method in class JavaProcess.Response
Returns the optional Throwable.
getInitHeapSizeMb() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Returns the minimum and hence initial heap size the JVM should use in megabytes.
getInitHeapSizeMb() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
getInitSubmission() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Returns an optional submission to execute upon the startup the process.
getInitSubmission() - Method in class SimpleProcessManager
getInstance() - Static method in class JavaObjectCodec
Returns the only JavaObjectCodec instance.
getInstruction() - Method in interface Command
Returns the instruction to send to the process.
getInstruction() - Method in class AbstractCommand
getJavaLauncherCommand() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Returns the command for the Java application launcher which could be an absolute path to the executable or if it's under the system's PATH environment variable, simply the java command.
getJavaLauncherCommand() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
getJointStandardErrLines() - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Returns the lines output to the standard error stream of the underlying process concatenated into a single string delimited by newline characters.
getJointStandardOutLines() - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Returns the lines output to the standard out stream of the underlying process concatenated into a single string delimited by newline characters.
getKeepAliveTime() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Determines the duration of continuous idleness after which the process is to be terminated.
getKeepAliveTime() - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
getMaxHeapSizeMb() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Returns the maximum heap size the JVM should use in megabytes.
getMaxHeapSizeMb() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
getMaxSize() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the maximum allowed number of processes to hold in the pool.
getMinSize() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the minimum number of processes to hold in the pool.
getNumOfProcesses() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the number of running processes currently held in the pool.
getNumOfSubmissions() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the number of submissions currently being held in the queue or executed in the pool.
getProcessManagerFactory() - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Returns the ProcessManagerFactory instance responsible for creating instances of the ProcessManager interface for managing the processes of the pool.
getProcessManagerFactory() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
getReserveSize() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the minimum number of available processes to keep in the pool.
getResult() - Method in interface Submission
Returns the optional result of the submission.
getResult() - Method in class AbstractSubmission
getResult() - Method in class JavaProcess.Response
Returns the optional task result.
getStackSizeKb() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Return the stack size the JVM should use in kilobytes.
getStackSizeKb() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
getStandardErrLines() - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Returns a list of lines output to the standard error stream of the underlying process.
getStandardOutLines() - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Returns a list of lines output to the standard out stream of the underlying process.
getStartupOutputStore() - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
Returns the process output store containing the process' startup output.
getTask() - Method in class JavaSubmission
Returns the task that constitutes the submission.
getTerminationSubmission() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Returns an optional submission for terminating the process.
getTerminationSubmission() - Method in class SimpleProcessManager
getThreadKeepAliveTime() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
Returns the duration of idleness in milliseconds after which excess threads are terminated.
getType() - Method in interface JavaProcessConfig
Returns the type of the JVM, i.e.
getType() - Method in class JavaProcess.Response
Returns the type of the response.
getType() - Method in class SimpleJavaProcessConfig


invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
isAlive() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
Returns whether the process executor is alive.
isCompleted(String, boolean) - Method in interface Command
A method called every time a new line is printed to the standard out or standard error stream of the process after the command is sent to its standard in stream until true is returned or a FailedCommandException is thrown.
isCompleted(String, boolean) - Method in class AbstractCommand
isCompleted(String, ProcessOutputStore) - Method in interface SimpleCommand.CommandCompletionPredicate
Returns whether the command's execution is complete based on the latest line of output.
isExecutionCompleted(String, boolean) - Method in class AbstractCommand
It allows for the processing of the output and is responsible for determining whether the output line denotes the completion of the execution of the command.
isExecutionCompleted(String, boolean) - Method in class SimpleCommand
isProcessStartedUp(String, boolean) - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
It determines whether the line output by the process denotes that it has successfully started up.
isProcessStartedUp(String, boolean) - Method in class SimpleProcessManager
isShutdown() - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Returns whether the shutdown of the pool has been initiated.
isShutdown() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
isStartedUp(String, boolean) - Method in interface ProcessManager
Handles the output of the process after its launch.
isStartedUp(String, boolean) - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
isStartedUp(String, ProcessOutputStore) - Method in interface SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate
Returns whether the process is started up and ready to execute commands based on the latest line of output.
isTerminated() - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Returns whether the process pool has been shut down with all its processes terminated.
isTerminated() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor


JAVA_FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class JavaProcessManager
The message the Java application launcher outputs if it fails (due to illegal arguments).
JavaObjectCodec - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A singleton for encoding Java objects as strings and decoding strings into Java objects.
JavaProcess - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
The class whose main method is run as a separate process by the Java process pool executor.
JavaProcess() - Constructor for class JavaProcess
JavaProcess.InputDecodingException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An exception class for when the decoding of a line printed to the Java process' standard in stream fails.
JavaProcess.Response - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A simple class to encapsulate the response of the Java process to a request.
JavaProcess.ResponseType - Enum in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An enum representing types of responses that the Java process can send back to the parent process.
JavaProcessConfig - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface for the definition of the Java process' launcher command and some of the JVM options.
JavaProcessConfig.JVMType - Enum in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
The definitions of the possible JVM types.
JavaProcessExecutorService - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface for a Java process executor service that extends both the ProcessExecutorService and ExecutorService interfaces.
JavaProcessManager<T extends Runnable & Serializable> - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A sub-class of AbstractProcessManager for the management of process instances of the JavaProcess class.
JavaProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, T, T, Long) - Constructor for class JavaProcessManager
Constructs a JavaProcessManager instance using the specified parameters.
JavaProcessManagerFactory<T extends Runnable & Serializable> - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An implementation of the ProcessManagerFactory interface for the creation of JavaProcessManager instances using a single ProcessBuilder instance.
JavaProcessManagerFactory(JavaProcessConfig) - Constructor for class JavaProcessManagerFactory
Constructs an instance based on the specified JVM config which is used for the creation of all Java processes of the pool.
JavaProcessManagerFactory(JavaProcessConfig, Long) - Constructor for class JavaProcessManagerFactory
Constructs an instance based on the specified JVM config and keepAliveTime which are used for the management of all Java processes of the pool.
JavaProcessManagerFactory(JavaProcessConfig, T, T, Long) - Constructor for class JavaProcessManagerFactory
Constructs an instance based on the specified JVM config, keepAliveTime, initialization task, and wrap-up task which are used for the for the management of all Java processes of the pool.
JavaProcessPoolExecutor - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A sub-class of ProcessPoolExecutor that implements the JavaProcessExecutorService interface.
JavaProcessPoolExecutor(JavaProcessManagerFactory<T>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
Constructs a Java process pool executor using the specified parameters.
JavaProcessPoolExecutor(JavaProcessManagerFactory<T>, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
Constructs a Java process pool executor using the specified parameters.
JavaProcessPoolExecutor.UncheckedExecutionException - Exception in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An exception thrown if the execution of Java task fails is or interrupted.
JavaSubmission<T extends Serializable> - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A sub-class of AbstractSubmission for encapsulating a serializable task to execute in a separate Java process.
JavaSubmission(S) - Constructor for class JavaSubmission
Creates a submission for the specified task that implements both the Serializable and Callable interfaces.
JavaSubmission(S, T) - Constructor for class JavaSubmission
Creates a submission for the specified task that implements both the Serializable and Runnable interfaces.
JavaSubmission.SerializableTask<T extends Serializable> - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A serializable, runnable, and callable task with a serializable return type.


main(String[]) - Static method in class JavaProcess
The method executed as a separate process.
manager - Variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor


net.viktorc.pp4j.api - package net.viktorc.pp4j.api
net.viktorc.pp4j.impl - package net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
newProcessManager() - Method in interface ProcessManagerFactory
Constructs and returns a new instance of the ProcessManager interface.
newProcessManager() - Method in class JavaProcessManagerFactory


onExecutorStartup() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
A method called after the startup of the process and the set up of the executor.
onExecutorStartup() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
onExecutorTermination() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
A call-back method invoked after the termination of the underlying process and the stopping of the executor's helper threads.
onExecutorTermination() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
onFinishedExecution() - Method in interface Submission
A method to execute once the processing of the submitted commands finishes.
onStartedExecution() - Method in interface Submission
A method that is executed once the processing of the submitted commands begins.
onStartup() - Method in interface ProcessManager
A callback method invoked after the process starts up and the initial submission, if there is one, is executed.
onTermination(int) - Method in interface ProcessManager
A callback method invoked after the process terminates.


PROCESS_FAILURE - JavaProcess.ResponseType
ProcessException(Exception) - Constructor for exception AbstractProcessExecutor.ProcessException
Constructs a wrapper for the specified exception.
ProcessExecutor - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface that defines an executor that encapsulates a process and allows for executing submissions in this process.
ProcessExecutorService - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
A ProcessExecutor for executing Submission instances in separate processes that facilitates the tracking and management of the progress of the submissions via Future instances.
ProcessManager - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface that defines methods that allow for the definition and management of a process.
ProcessManagerFactory - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
A functional interface that defines a method for creating new instances of the ProcessManager interface.
ProcessOutputStore - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A class for capturing and storing output printed to the standard out and standard error streams of a process.
ProcessOutputStore() - Constructor for class ProcessOutputStore
Constructs a ProcessOutputStore instance.
ProcessPoolExecutor - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An implementation of the ProcessExecutorService interface for maintaining and managing a pool of process executors.
ProcessPoolExecutor(ProcessManagerFactory, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ProcessPoolExecutor
Constructs a pool of processes.
ProcessPoolExecutor(ProcessManagerFactory, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class ProcessPoolExecutor
Constructs a pool of processes.


reset() - Method in interface Resettable
It resets the instance, in case it is stateful, to a state practically identical to its initial state.
reset() - Method in class AbstractCommand
reset() - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
reset() - Method in class AbstractSubmission
reset() - Method in class SimpleSubmission
Resettable - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface for potentially stateful objects that may be reset to a state identical to their initial state for all intents and purposes.
run() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
run() - Method in interface AbstractProcessExecutor.ThrowingRunnable
Runs a task and may throw an exception or error if an error occurs.
run() - Method in interface JavaSubmission.SerializableTask
run() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
runLock - Variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor


SERVER - JavaProcessConfig.JVMType
setResult(T) - Method in class AbstractSubmission
Sets the optional result of the submission.
shutdown() - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Initiates the orderly shutdown of the process pool.
shutdown() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
shutdownNow() - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
SimpleCommand - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A simple sub-class of the AbstractCommand class that relies on instances of a functional interface passed to its constructor to implement the AbstractCommand.isExecutionCompleted(String, boolean) method.
SimpleCommand(String) - Constructor for class SimpleCommand
Constructs a SimpleCommand assuming that the command does not generate any output.
SimpleCommand(String, SimpleCommand.CommandCompletionPredicate) - Constructor for class SimpleCommand
Constructs a SimpleCommand according to the specified parameters assuming that the command generates some output and if there is anything output to the process' standard error stream, a FailedCommandException is to be thrown.
SimpleCommand(String, SimpleCommand.CommandCompletionPredicate, SimpleCommand.CommandCompletionPredicate) - Constructor for class SimpleCommand
Constructs a SimpleCommand according to the specified parameters assuming that the command generates some output.
SimpleCommand.CommandCompletionPredicate - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A bi-predicate that may throw FailedCommandException for determining when a command's execution is complete based on the executing process' output.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A simple implementation of the JavaProcessConfig interface for the definition of JVM options.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig() - Constructor for class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
Constructs a SimpleJavaProcessConfig instance using the default parameters.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
Constructs a SimpleJavaProcessConfig instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig(String, String...) - Constructor for class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
Constructs a SimpleJavaProcessConfig instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig(String, JavaProcessConfig.JVMType, Integer, Integer, Integer, String...) - Constructor for class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
Constructs a SimpleJavaProcessConfig instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleJavaProcessConfig(JavaProcessConfig.JVMType, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class SimpleJavaProcessConfig
Constructs a SimpleJavaProcessConfig instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleProcessExecutor - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
An sub-class of the AbstractProcessExecutor class for the running and management of a process using a ProcessManager instance to allow for the execution of submissions in this process.
SimpleProcessExecutor(ProcessManager) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessExecutor
Constructs a process executor instance using the argument to manage the life-cycle of the process.
SimpleProcessManager - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A simple sub-class of the AbstractProcessManager class that relies on instances of functional interfaces passed to its constructor to implement the SimpleProcessManager.startsUpInstantly(), AbstractProcessManager.isStartedUp(String, boolean), SimpleProcessManager.getInitSubmission(), and SimpleProcessManager.getTerminationSubmission() methods.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process starts up instantly.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, Long) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process starts up instantly.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, Long, Supplier<Submission<?>>, Supplier<Submission<?>>) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process starts up instantly.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the provided startup predicate.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, Long) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the provided startup predicate.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, Long, Supplier<Submission<?>>, Supplier<Submission<?>>) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the provided startup predicate.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the startup predicates.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, Long) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the startup predicates.
SimpleProcessManager(ProcessBuilder, Charset, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate, Long, Supplier<Submission<?>>, Supplier<Submission<?>>) - Constructor for class SimpleProcessManager
Constructs a manager for the processes created by the specified ProcessBuilder assuming that the process does not start up instantly and its startup is determined by the startup predicates.
SimpleProcessManager.ProcessStartupPredicate - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A bi-predicate that may throw FailedStartupException for determining when a process is started up based on its output.
SimpleSubmission<T> - Class in net.viktorc.pp4j.impl
A simple sub-class of the AbstractSubmission class that allows for the specification of the commands to execute and the result object to return.
SimpleSubmission(List<Command>) - Constructor for class SimpleSubmission
Constructs a SimpleSubmission instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleSubmission(List<Command>, T) - Constructor for class SimpleSubmission
Constructs a SimpleSubmission instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleSubmission(Command) - Constructor for class SimpleSubmission
Constructs a SimpleSubmission instance according to the specified parameters.
SimpleSubmission(Command, T) - Constructor for class SimpleSubmission
Constructs a SimpleSubmission instance according to the specified parameters.
start() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Starts a new process.
start() - Method in class AbstractProcessManager
start() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
It starts the process executor and waits until it is running and set up.
startsUpInstantly() - Method in interface ProcessManager
Determines whether the process should be considered started up instantly or if it is only started up once a certain output is printed to its standard out or standard error streams.
startsUpInstantly() - Method in class SimpleProcessManager
STARTUP_SUCCESS - JavaProcess.ResponseType
stateLock - Variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor
storeOutput(String, boolean) - Method in class ProcessOutputStore
Stores the process output by adding it to the appropriate list of output lines based on the stream it was printed to.
Submission<T> - Interface in net.viktorc.pp4j.api
An interface that defines methods necessary for the submission and execution of commands in ProcessExecutor instances.
submit(Runnable) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Runnable, boolean) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Runnable, boolean) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Runnable, T, boolean) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Runnable, T, boolean) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in interface JavaProcessExecutorService
submit(Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in class JavaProcessPoolExecutor
submit(Submission<T>) - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Submits the specified submission for execution and returns a Future instance which allows for the cancellation of the submission.
submit(Submission<T>, boolean) - Method in interface ProcessExecutorService
Submits the specified submission for execution and returns a Future instance which allows for the cancellation of the submission.
submit(Submission<T>, boolean) - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor


TASK_FAILURE - JavaProcess.ResponseType
TASK_SUCCESS - JavaProcess.ResponseType
terminate() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
It attempts to terminate the process using the termination submission defined by the process manger, if there is one, then proceeds to forcibly shut down the process if it is still alive.
terminateForcibly() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
It sends a kill signal to the currently running process, if there is one.
threadPool - Variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor
toString() - Method in class AbstractSubmission
toString() - Method in class ProcessPoolExecutor
tryExecute(Submission<?>, boolean) - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
Attempts to execute the specified submission synchronously by delegating its commands to the underlying process serially and processing the responses of the process.
tryTerminate() - Method in class AbstractProcessExecutor
It attempts to terminate the currently running process, if there is one, using the ProcessManager.getTerminationSubmission() method of the process manager assigned to the executor.


UNEXPECTED_TERMINATION_RETURN_CODE - Static variable in class AbstractProcessExecutor
If a process cannot be started or an exception occurs which would make it impossible to retrieve the actual return code of the process.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum JavaProcessConfig.JVMType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum JavaProcess.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum JavaProcessConfig.JVMType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum JavaProcess.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitFor() - Method in class SimpleProcessExecutor
Waits until the process executor stops running.
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